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Location: Vancouver, B.C., Canada

Graduated from UBC with a BA. I am currently employed as a library assistant at Irving K. Barber learning centre. I hope one day to be a tried and true librarian.

Sunday, December 17, 2006


...and I decided to stay faithful to my Sunday update.

I could have waited until tomorrow night, but decided now was as good a time as any seeing as I still haven't figured out what do with the wedding pictures.

On the topic of the wedding, it was awesome. I did the part of Best Man as best I could and did an OK job. I got a spankin' new keychain watch for my troubles.

It was a pretty emotional evening for the most part, and in the end I am just glad that my dad is finally settled down with someone he knows he spend the rest of his life with. He used to be so jaded about women, I didn't believe he would ever be married again, but just the right woman landed in his lap.

The reception was awesome, homemade samosas, currey, tiramisu, and chocolate butter cream cake.

I was pretty good about drinking in spite of all the free alcohol.

You'd think with all the food and treats and drinks I woulda put on a pound or so..., but ... regardless of the dozens of beef samosas and chocolate butter cream roses... mmm..., I am down to...

279.5. Not much of a difference, but a loss is a loss, and I probably won't be eating that much again in a long time. So all smooth sailing for now.



Blogger Jessica said...

you know, weighing yourself every 2 days and expecting to see changes isn't such a good thing. if you're noticing a consistent weight loss that fast, then it's probably not good for you.

some people weigh themselves every day for health reasons, but for weight loss i think once a week (or once every 2 weeks) is probably better. otherwise you really feel like you're getting nowhere, especially when there's a slight increase. but the body does go through cycles.

and expecting results too soon and being disappointed might lead to trying really bad ways to lose weight fast. like going on the cabbage soup diet for 2 weeks straight when you're only 13. yeah, i've pretty much never liked myself. and i actually was skinny then.

12:00 PM  
Blogger Dennis M said...

Jessica. You're totally good-looking.

It's your brain you need to get checked. Dummy. :<

I am just doing the every two day thing (well more accurately, I am gonna do it Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday) because it will keep me updating and give me something to do.

Since I graduated from high school I have been as high as 295 and as low as exactly 100 pounds slimmer at 195. This morning, I woke up 4 pounds lighter than the night before. I know to take scales and the numbers the show me with a grain of salt.

However, if I ever do wanna lose weight fast, I will just listen to you sing disney songs for an hour. The horror and vomit will be plentiful I'm sure!


Man, I wish I coulda delivered that in person.

3:53 PM  

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